Vincent Dee - Damn Easy Money

Personal blog and my own ways making easy money!

Damn Easy Money - Unobux

Assume now you have Neobux, you should get to know PTC slightly better. Is there many other PTC sites out there to join? The answer is YES. However, I must warn you that many of PTC sites are scam! Why did I say so? Because I got scammed too many.
So why did you ask me join Neobux? Because I got paid so many times, and much more reasons. Allow me some time for Neobux

Why I joined Neobux and click ads daily non stop?
  • Neobux established since April 2008
  • I was Neobux member since May 2008
  • I invest RM300 for golden membership in Neobux, and I got my investment back
  • I got paid for not less than 15 times in Neobux
  • Neobux is the first and still lasting instant payment PTC site
  • Neobux has a nice admin and excellent support team (I had my own experience for this)
  • To earn in Neobux is easy, but with patience and little effort
  • You do not need to invest like me to earn, you can start by zero and earn instead, just you earn less than what I earn now :D
  • much more.. (nice community in forum, jackpot, ref for rent etc)
That is why I active in Neobux so far, and forget other PTC sites. Is there other reliable site? Yes, recently I found one, Unobux, I must say it is new, but I have little trust on it (I must still say I am new too) experiences told me that it may not last forever, but it should give a chance to try.

UnoBux - The place to earn money - Improve, earn & withdraw instantly!

It has a much similar structure as Neobux, and the reason I think it should give a trust because the website admin show efforts in his website. The website is in https protocol, increasing the security, the instant payment is to all members, no matter standard or upgraded. Low payout (USD2).

The registration process is more or less like Neobux. So once you able to go through Neobux registration, this should not give you any problem. Why not spend another 5 mins in your day click for Unobux? Register today!