Vincent Dee - Damn Easy Money

Personal blog and my own ways making easy money!

Black & Decker Waxer / Polisher

I decide to get my car a wax / polish today. I went to Jusco, Tebrau City to survey the price. I visited Cars International with voucher I got from SenQ membership redemption. Surprisingly, the price is extremely expensive. Imagine:
Polish + Clean = RM128 (Non-member) RM39 (Member)
With the voucher I can get RM60 discount so only RM68 I can get a polish. However when the service guy look at my car, he told me that simply polish is not enough because my car is so rough due to blasting etc. He show me this:
Clean + Wax + Polish + Nano xxx = RM300+ (Non-member) RM188 (Member)
Wow, the price is also triple when the work triple. When I ask for the membership price, he told me that with the voucher I have I can get a RM50 cash rebate. Membership for one year is RM535 (With voucher is RM485). Upon the membership will get "Clean + Wax + Polish + Nano xxx" once for free. I was thinking it MAY worth as I get plenty discount after joining member, and my house has so many old cars, they may need some polishing too.

Cars International are smart too! The service guy told me that the membership is only applicable to one register car! However I can add another RM70 to register second car and receive member price for their service. When I heard of this, immediately I had my plan cancelled!

So I decided to shop in Jusco as I was there. I saw this pretty cute tool, and it is under 10% discount during Jusco 25th anniversary. After long consideration, I decide to buy this cool baby. And for the first time I try out / swap my card (It is only a debit card from Maybank, ATM+Visa debit card, I am not rich enough for a credit card). Since it was my first time swapping a card, I asked the counter "Cik, boleh saya pakai debit card?" and show him the debit card. Transaction is smooth and easy, I thought it will required my ATM pin and nope, just give him the card and he swap and you sign on the receipt, that it! Money was immediately deducted from your saving account. Security issue raise in my mind. If I pick up someone Maybank ATM + debit card, I will not try to withdraw money from ATM and having hard time guessing for ATM pin, I can go and get any merchandise I want! This is scary!!

Ok, time to show you the baby I got, RM199 and after discount is RM179~


don't polish your car so often..the layer of paint will get thinner each time u polish them.

nanti spray the whole car, cost u 2k!


Agree. But the sand blasting really a erosion to my car! Pity my baby getting rougher and rougher...